Monday, September 26, 2016

week 29 Cuidad Delgado

Week #33
hey everyone! this week has been really good but really crazy! 
Tuesday we had the whole day planned and we didn't have to fill any time with finding people!! we were able to fill the whole day with investigators that we have! We didn't actually have a chance to visit all of the m but it was nice to have a place to go and not just talk to anybody we could  find haha! We had been teaching these two teenagers who were members of a prophetic church for a really long time and have had a ton of crazy questions about all sorts of crazy doctrines, studying for them has been fun haha i have learned all sorts of things that i didn't know before! but we finally put a baptismal date with the two of them! its just a goal, but we were happy! I hope they can progress and go to church! other than that it was a crazy day visiting lots of people and teaching a lot of the same lesson hah! Wednesday we had a district meeting and had to go to an other area again.. it takes a while to travel so it wasted a lot of our time! but it was a good meeting! then we had a few visits planned, but the rest of the afternoon we had to contact haha! we cant visit everyone every day so we end up doing a lot of contacting every other day or so! We have a family also that were teaching that is really good! Jose Miguel and Ana! the mom, Ana is really positive, she has been reading the book of mormon and wants to go to the church the only problem is that she doesn't want to go without her husband and he has been working a lot. hopefully we can get them to church this coming Sunday! Thursday we ha to spend a good amount of time contacting too, but we found some good people! i was on interchanges with the zone leaders of soyapongo elder Santos. He is a really good missionary! i learned a lot of good different ways to teach a few principles! i don't like doing interchanges, there probably my least favorite thing in the mission but after i always feel good about them haha! i just don't like changing companions.. good thing is that i cant leave my are so when we have to do them i always stay here! We had some good lessons with a few of our progressing investigators, one named marta, she is older and constantly has to watch her ,mom who is really sick and cant do anything for herself.. its sad because nobody helps here shes all alone. but shes really good! she hasn't been able to go to church though but this week we are going to help her bring her mom in her wheel chair so they can both be at church! she agreed to let us come and help her move her mom and put her in the chair and go! I really hope she can go!! Friday we had a day pretty normal.. until about 4pm. We were contacting a  person that the sister missionaries were teaching a long time ago and she was asking why they changed us missionaries so much and we told her that it just happens and sometimes its faster than others, and in that moment.. we got a call from the assistants. elder Perez had emergency changes!:( we don't know why of what happened but tons of people had changes! We were really sad! That kind ruined our day and we didn't feel motivated anymore but we kept working and ended up teaching the lady and putting a baptismal date with her! Saturday we had the "changes" we went to the place and were ready to go there was my other comp and everything and they said okay all of you go back to Delgado and you will be in a trio. .so we went there and the other elder put his stuff aside and as we were prepping to go they called again and said okay elder Aguilar, my new companion you will go to this area for a few days pack a few days of things... so he left and i was back with elder Perez.. they said it'd only be for another day or two but we were happy because we had our baptism and he was able to be there!! After all it was a good day. Sunday was the change.. President came at 7 in the morning and took my companion and i stayed all day with a member haha! it was really weird! we went to invite the investigators and everything! then i waited basically all day in the church for my new companion then when he came we had to wait with the other elder that came with my companion so his new companion could come! im sad.. didn't want my comp to leave but its okay. my new companion is from here! El Salvador but is waiting to go to his mission in Puerto Rico! im finishing his training.. he was in chalate when i was there so i already know him and have worked with him in the past! good missionary! but very different person than me haha! don't think ill be with him very long, he already has his visa its just a matter of when the office calls us! could be a week could be a month. But everything is good now! i have had a good pday, we got to play ping pong! I played a lot! i never lost haha! i really really enjoyed it! Well this week has been a good one and i hope it will continue that way!! Thanks for reading!! Hope all is well for everyone back home!! 
hasta la próxima semana!
Tengan feliz semana! 

Elder Beck

Elder Becks house

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 28 Cuidad Delgado

Week #32
Hola Everyone! this week has been really good!
I have just been coming to love more and more this area! Its super cool, and i feel like we are doing really good here! Tuesday we spent a good part of the afternoon contacting and found a few people, not super positive but more people to teach is always good! We also found one of the ladies that the sister missionaries were teaching before and she accepted a baptismal date! We will see if she is willing to take the steps necessary to receive her answer from god! Most people dont fully understand their part in the conversion. Lots wait and dont work, but conversion is really hard, they dont always get that. Our part is the most important.. we need to search diligently and read and pray, go to church. but lots of people arent willing to go or act. Thats the hardest part of the mission, helping people understand that! but then in the night time we visited a few of our investigators, we really have tried to focus on the Sabbath day, and getting people to church! Wednesday we did basically the same! we have been working with member and youth preparing for their missions it has been a lot of fun haha! but we also put another baptismal day with a guy named Rodrigo. he is the son of a lady we found the past week! but they both fell this week because we called them Sunday in the morning ot see if they were going to go to church and she said that she would appreciate it if we never came back to her house because their having problems in the family because of our visits.. we only went twice but the husband doesn't like that we have gone there it was sad but in the future they will realize what they're missin! Thursday we had a lot of time to do nothing! it was the 15th which is independence day here.. all day there were parades and things, until like 2. We weren't aloud to do anything then when we left we tried to contact people! it was great, everyone was home with the whole family but NOBODY let us in to share a message with them hah so after like 3 hours of that we went to visit some members. but it was cool we live on the street where the parades were so we saw a little! pretty fun! Friday we only had to plan an hour of contacting! We can almost fill our schedule with people now haha! were gettin there! we taught a lot of the Restoration! Saturday we filled the schedule!! but some appointments feel and we ended up contacting a but but it was good! we ran around inviting everyone we know to church hah! we went home really tired! Sunday was hard.. we had lots of people ready and committed to church but only the two that normally go went.. we had hoped for about 8 investigators! but theres always next week!! :) Anyways this week has been lots of fun and im grateful for the experiences i have had good and bad! im really lazy and dont feel like bearing my testimony in Spanish.. sorry haha! oh yea last night we found the key to unlock a staircase in our house that goes to the roof and we got to enjoy the night outside! it was pretty cool, we brought our pillows and blankets and played with my laser pointer! Pretty relaxing! Then it rained on us haha! well until next week! thanks for reading!!
I found a place that had coconuts and i had to buy one! haha! they're way different here but it was good!(The picture didn't come through)
Elder Beck

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Week 27 Cuidad Delgado

Week #31
Hey Everybody!! This week has been really good! But letters are going to continue short. We still spend the most part of the afternoon looking for new people to teach trying to improve this area haha! We have some investigators that are progressing now! but it has been hard to get them to church! but thats okay we are going to get them to go this week! Were teaching one family, Jose Ana and Miguel, husband wife and son that is 9! Right now they're our most positive investigators! They are really interested in the message and said they are for sure going to church this week! We have found lots of good people this week and we hope the best for all of them as they read and pray! We should have a baptism pretty soon! A partial member family! the daughter will be baptized! he already passed her interview! Were excited for her! Im not going to do a daily update like usual because the days are all the same right now.. usually we just spend the afternoon finding people and the night visiting the people that we have! And we enter earlier so there's less time to teach! But i love this area and we are having lots of success! Were having lots of fun along the way and were enjoying the little things that we have in this area!! opening and area is not easy but were doing all we can to improve the ward and the area! Its been a fun and great opportunity! This Sunday was stake conference which was really good! we enjoyed it but it was hard to get investigators to go because it was far and in another gang territory! I had to go in the car of a member because im not aloud to leave my area! It was really good! the temple president and mission president both spoke! They are really powerful people haha! They spoke about the mission work for members and i hope the members feel motivated to help us more and more!! we need there references! those are the best investigators.. the ones that the members prepare! Anyways this week has been really good, but were tired! haha we have worked really hard and done lots of walking!
I'm loving every step of my mission, im learning things i never thought id be able to do and i am closer to the spirit then i have ever been in my life! im almost done with the book of Mormon and have read it really thoroughly! I am developing attributes of Christ that are helping me become a better person and i have nobody to thank but him! Thanks for reading!! hope everyone is doing great!! I dont have enough time to write a testimony in Spanish but i will try next week!! Spanish is improving more and more and i get lots of compliments now! HAaha i can finally understand pretty much everything people say to me!

The picture is a classic el salvador breakfast that i make pretty much every morning
Elder Beck

Week 26 Cuidad Delgado!

Week #30
HOLA! Ha Sido una semana excelente! 
This week has been really good! im really enjoying everything about this area and my companion! Its beautiful here and just keeps getting better! We have people to teach now and are still finding more but this week we havnt had as much success contacting but thats okay, some poeple are progressing! My companion and i are already really good friends and i love working with him! still going to be a relatively short letter because we still have to spend a lot of the day just contacting talking to people but i will try to make it good! Tuesday we spent all day contacting and trying to visit baptismal dates we had, but it was really good. A youth member whose preparing to serve left with us and worked with us all day! it was nice, he showed us around more and we found some good people! Days feel a lot shorter here because we enter the house at 8 because its more dangerous! Wedesday we pretty much did the same thing but we left with a different youth! and explored a different part of the area! Had some good lessons with ome of the people were teaching and also put some more baptismal dates!! Thats my favorite thing in the mission, when someone says si! when we invite them to baptism haha! Were getting pretty good at it too! most of the new people we teach say yes! Thursday we actually had a day filled with appointments! some of them fell but we got to visit a lot of the people we wanted to! We went to a part of the area thats dangerous haha nothing happened we just got asked for the time a few times so they could see if we had a good phone, and we went into this little alley neighborhood and there were a bunch of gangsters at the end haha they asked us quien busca? or who are you looking for and we just said were just trying to find people to teach and were missionaries and they said nobody lives here so we left haha! Friday we spent all day doing.. bet you cant guess.. contacting haha. then visited some baptismal dates in the evening! found 5 new pwople and put one more baptismal date! Saturday we taufght lots of l1 or the restoration! haha it was a good dsay, but pretty much the same al always! Sunday was good, like being in a ward again haha! more relaZING! AND THERES AIR CONDITIONING HAH! it was fast sunday so we were really tired and had no energy but we worked until it was time to go home! We were very excited to go to slep haha! but i didnt sleep hardly at all last night! dont know why! Good thiung ts pday!! We also had interviews with president! they were really good he taught good stuff!! And his wife gave us all a bag of candy haha! ]YUMMY. Anyways my times up but thanks for reading!!! Have a great week!! }

Elder Beck

Week 25, Cuidad Delgado!

Week #29

Hola everyone! this week has been really good! I have been adjusting ot all the change but ilove it here in my new area!! I am now in Cuidad Delgado with Elder Perez from guatemala! He and i are opening this area! were the first elders to be here in 11 years! There were sisters here for a while but then it closed! Also when i heard where i was going i was quite confused haha! i am in the city Soyapongo.. if you wanna know more about the city, google it lol! but im the first "gringo" to be in soyapongo in more than 2 years haha but here i am! im the test! but i love it here! everything here is super cool! MY house is super nice haha! because the hermanas lived here before us so its suoper clean and we have running water every day haha!! and its not cold! Its a pretty big house too! And my area is beautiful! im in the city now so pdays we can eat yummy food in centro and go to walmart! Pretty excited about that! Elder Perez is suuper cool! we have been working super well together! he has 5 months in the mission! We are already good friends! We have had to contact a lot because the sisters didnt leave us with anything haha but after three days of work together we have 20 investigators and 13 baptismal dates for the 1st of october! We have a huge chapel that is beautiful and sunday was amazing to sit in a normal meeting and not teach any classes haha! This letter will be pretty short because we have only spent the days contacting and meeting members but i love it here! its a little dangerous but its really really cool! How wverything is organized is crazy! but were starting to get to know the streets and stuff! Only lost ourselves a few times! haha all is well! if you want to see some crazy pictures of things that happen in the city soyapongo google it but if you dont like crazy stuff dont! Luckily im in a pretty relaxed area here! but its cool! i see lots of gangsters with tatoos all over and stuff its crazy!!

Este semana realmente ha sido bien especial! Yo he disfrutado mi tiempo aquí y hemos encontrado muchas personas bien positivas! No tengo mucho tiempo para seguir escribiendo pero yo espero que todo tengan una semana fantástico y especial! Yo se y testifico que todos los días el señor esta ayudándonos! No hay ningún manera que nosotros podríamos encontrar personas así sin su ayuda y por eso yo estoy muy agradecido! Gracias por Leer!!!



Elder Beck

Week 24 in reubicación!! CHANGES

Week #29
This week has been really good! WE have done a lot of service for the people in our colony and have seen a difference in the peope!! I love doing service projects in the mornings! its super fun and something different! But we have een able to help lots of people and for that i feel good! Tuesday we did a service project in the morning, and then headed to concepcion! we visited a member family and then spent some time looking for news, not to much luck but we had a good day there! Then we went tp reubicacion 2 and 3 and we found some really good people! THey accepted baptismal dates and a return appointment! Unfortunately i wont be there for it! I found out today in the morning that i have changes! I dont know to where or my new comp but i will find out this wednesday! on wednesday we went to santa rita and had a really good dy!! We found some really good people and they are pretty posative! i love the area but its hard to get to and far from church! so its also difficult for the people to get to church! Then when we went to the colony and visited our baptismal dates! Nights in the colny are usually pretty similar, just rotating the people that we visit! hursday we did more service in the morning and had some fun with machetes! i got to chop a tree haha i enjoyed it! Then we went to paraiso and vidited members menos actives and investigadores! We did divisions with members there so we got more lessons! then back to the colony haha! 
friday we went to a meeting in ilopango super far away bacause my companion is going to train! it took up like the whole day but i got to relax a bit so it was nice! Then We got to eat good food! haha we went to mcdonalds and then we got to go into WALMART! haha not a ig deal ut here it is haha my area is super poor and theres nothing there so i havnt seen stuff like that in forever! I bought some hair gel i ran out of! Saturday we had a really good activity in chalate with the other branch! we played soccer and other games outside and had a movie playing inside! it was a huge success! we had more investigators there than we did members! 12!! WE were very happy! then the next day we had 7 in church! after that it was a basic day! visited a fmily that went to the activity to commit them to church and they went!! sunday was a normal day but i enjoyed it! I can actually understand everything the people say noe so i learn and feel the spirit more! oh and sorry for all the errors! all the letters on this keyboard are erased.. but it was a great week and i am happy but sad to leave my area! and my companion! i have learned a lot from him and 2 weeks wasnt enough! but im excited to meet more people and see another part of the country!! 
Thanks for reading!! 
Sorry no pictures this week.. i forgot my adapter! 

Elder Beck