Monday, July 25, 2016

Week 20 in reubicación!! 6 MONTHS

Week #25
Hey everyone! 
This week was a fun one! WE have had a lot of good times getting to know each other and figuring out how to manage an area together! we are both new so its been hard but a good run so far! Last Monday we had a really relaxed pday and got to hang out and sleep a little haha! i enjoyed that! Then in the night we had a family home evening with a member family nd a few investigators that went well! we are just having trouble getting permission from parents right now! we have 4 kids completely ready to get baptized that really want to but the parents are hard! So we hope they will soften their hearts and allow theirs kids to do it! Tuesday we had a multi zone which pretty much took up our whole day because it is like and hour and a half away sometimes 2 hours and it was like a 5 hour meeting haha! But it was really good! i learned a lot! Different from the last one because this time i was able to understand what was going on hah! We learned a lot about ways we can improve the work through the members and hope we can apply what we learned in our area! only hard thing wil be is our branch is really small! Wednesday was another fun trip to San Salvador to get my toe checked lol! practically live over there! That took longer than we wanted it to because she was helping some else before me.. so we got back late and only ended up having a few lessons in the night! Thursday We had a normal day, went to Concepcion to visit a few less active members which payed off cause they went to church!! Found a new person there and then headed back to the colony for the evening and followed our normal plans.. very repetitious in the mission same routines and people and etc. but i love it here in my area! Friday we went to Santa Rita and visited out catholic family that went to church once and they are most likely going to attend the temple for an activity this coming month!! We also found some news and had a chance to teach a few other lessons! Then we returned back to the colony and had a fhe with a family and then visited Bryan and Alan! Saturday we didnt do much haha walked a lot and tried to find people but didnt have any luck until the night time! all our plans fell but we got lots of people invited to church! Sunday was chill! i taught two lessons again! i can finally teach without thinking about the things i need to say! the language is getting way better! i feel almost fluent speaking! only have lots of words to learn! lots of nouns! 
I had trouble with my computer so im out of time but thanks for reading and i hope all is well for everyone!!! 

Elder Beck

Week 18 in Reubicación!

Week #24
Hey everyone! 
This week was good! It was a little different and we didn't work as much as normal with changes and with Elder Acosta going home! but It was good! Tuesday we spent saying goodbye to all the members in the area and stuff like that, we didn't really teach and if we did it was just sharing a scripture! Wednesday i had to go to San Salvador with him to drop him off and then to the bus terminal to get my new companion! I received Elder Burgos! he is from Guatemala and Just finished his training! so this week has been interesting! i feel like we are both just trying to figure the mission thing out together! hes a fun guy I have enjoyed these few days! Thursday i had to go back to San Salvador to take out the infection that i got from my ingrown toenail that i got taken out the previous week lol! it hurt a lot more than normal! she had to cut skin!!! but it was quick! then we continued to present my new companion to members and investigators! Friday we went to Concepcion and introduced my comp and then did the same pretty much all week{! we finally got permission from the mom of a boy were teaching named Bryan! we put a baptism date with him and his friend Alan for the 13th of august! Were really happy about that! We continued working with Giovanni and his family, they will get baptized this week! This will be short because we didnt accomplish a ton this week! but i am adjusting to 100 percent Spanish! its hard but im learning a lot! pictures are my new companion and pancakes we made today!:) 

Elder Beck

Week 18 in reubicaciòn!

Week #23
Hey everyone! This week was good! this email is gonna be pretty brief. Tuesday we had a good day we got to work with some less actives and they went to church! we had 5 less actives in sacrament meeting this week! It was awesome! We are now applying the temple dates with lots more families and are having great success! Wednesday we had a zone conference and had to travel to Apopa so that took up mist of our day! It was a good conference! president Vasquez was there! so that was cool! he taught us some things! We got back late after that and only taught a few lessons in the colony. Thursday we went to Santa Rita again, we got to work with a member from another branch, we went to visit a few of his family members! we put 5 baptismal dates and found 7 new investigators! they all live in a pueblo above Paraíso! We had just one lesson with the family Ramirez in santa rita then went to paraiso! We took some pictures of a lake nearby that are pretty cool i will send them next week! I didnt really take my camera with me this week so theres no pictures on my camera but ill get them from my comp tonight! and send them next week! Friday.. i had to go to san salvador to get.. another surgery on my toe haha i got another ingrown toenail taken out! this time though it got infected so i will be returning later this week haha! Sooo much fun! the lady says its because in the heat and from walking a lot my feet and fingers swell up and it puts more pressure on my toenails. not fun but oh well! that took up pretty much the whole day unfortunately! then we had divisions with members and got to have some extra lessons so that was nice! Saturday we went back to paraiso and had some lessons over there nothing special, but at night we have family home evenings with lots of members and investigators and stuff! this week we had almost 40 people there and 5 investigators! it was awesome! we took a video of it and are having a member put together a good video and we challenged them to share it on Facebook with the hashtag FHECHALLENGE or NDHCHALLENGE for spanish! so we can get others into fhe!! lots of success! we had a great week! Elder acosta goes home this week so we are packing his stuff getting him ready to go! Dont have time to write my testimony so i apologize! love you all! thanks for reading! 
More silly selfies! 

Elder Beck

Week 17 in Reubicación!

Week #22
Hola everyone!! 
This week was really good! Monday was really fun as you all already know! we had a fun touristy trip! Tuesday we went to Concepcion and had no luck! nobody was home! but we found a family that had a lot of weird questions! so that was interesting! Then we went back to the colony and had a few lessons with our investigators, we met the mom of a kid names Giovanni who will be baptized the 30th of this month! shes really positive too and we put a baptism date with her for the 6th of august! Wednesday We spent a lot of the afternoon doing service! we got to use machetes and cut down some trees weeds and all sorts of stuff! it was fun! we did it for 2 different families! then put a baptismal date with the other son of the lady i just talked about! then we had a lesson with a less active! On Thursday we had interchanges! i worked with our district leader elder Recinos and we walked to Santa Rita! We walked another like 7 miles haha its hard to get there! but it was worth it! we found a really positive family of 6 who went to church!! we had the baptismal interview for Yolanda! the daughter of the old lady we baptized a while back! she will be baptized this weekend! Were excited for her! Friday we had district meeting in the morning  and it was good! Went to Concepcion again and taught a less active family about temples to try and help them see that baptism isn't the last step! hopefully they can be sealed someday and have an eternal family! Then in the night we had a really fun lesson! haha so there is a member family and everyone is a member except the husband. He has a ton of doubts about the church like polygamy and coffee and the book of Mormon, Joseph smith, Sabbath day, and he told us we could come teach him but he wanted us to only use the bible.. so we studies for him and had a really good lesson and helped take away a few of his doubts! he said we could come back again so thats good! Other missionaries have tried to teach him but he said he was never satisfied haha! Saturday we went back to Santa Rita and took a taxi in this time haha! taught the family of 6 and committed them to church! they came!! we had 8 investigators in church! it was awesome!!! but we had to walk all the way out of Santa Rita haha like 7 almost 8 miles!! super fun hhaha! at least the walk is beautiful! Sunday was normal, i had to teach in priestrhood though! it was last minute i had like 30 seconds to prepare haha but pulled it off! 
Thats all for this week! thanks for reading! 

Este semana fue super bien! tuvimos mucho éxito! Yo voy a compartir algo chiquito pero yo quiero testificar de la importancia de nuestro fe! Muchos veces las personas dicen no importa la iglesia porque yo tengo fe y la salvación es personal. Pero sabemos que nuestro fe es muerte sin nuestro obra! podemos tener todo la fe en el mundo pero para que? si no estamos dispuestos a actuar y hacer las cosas significa nada nuestro fe! Tenemos la oportunidad a hacer cualquier cosa que queremos pero muchos veces es mas fácil a escoger las cosas equivocados! Pero yo prometo si guardamos los mandamientos y tratar a mostrar a dios nuestro fe por medio de acción vamos a ver la diferencia en nuestras vidas" vamos a ver milagros, bendiciones! Por medio de nuestro fe podemos hacer cualquier cosa! yo puedo ver los bendiciones de mi fe en la misión! Gracias por leer y tenga fe! Espero que todos tienen semanas buenas! 
Elder Beck

We had to celebrate the 4th a little!!:)


Week 16 in Reubicación

Week #21
Hey everyone! 
This week was a good week! So this week we explored our area a little more because we don't have a lot of investigators and don't have many baptismal dates, so we went to a place called Santa Rita and it was really far haha we didn't expect it to be so far but it was like a 6 mile walk in to the village but we found some really good people and did a little service! We went there two times! The service was helping someone cut their grass or weeds in the front yard and we got to use machetes it was pretty sweet haha! Then we realized we were there too late and there were no more moto taxis out so we had to walk again haha! The girl Kimberly this week gave the book of Mormon back and told us not to come anymore so that was kinda sucky! and her whole family too.. 6 investigators that we lost! such a bummer for us! Nut we have had some luck too! We found a new boy that is 12 who lives just outside our colony, his name is Giovani and is really positive! he went to church and has a baptism date! We also taught the son of a member that always talks to us in the park when we pass. He speaks English so we taught him in English it was sooo nice haha!! A lady named Yolanda also who is the daughter of the old lady we baptized Carmen, she has 2 attendances now and is committed to be baptized the 9th of July!! She is awesome and super super positive! We are really happy for her and her progress! Other than that the week was really basic! Tho i also have a funny experience to share! We were teaching a less active family, which we have been doing a lot more of lately! we have have reactivated 8 people these 2 changes! but we were teaching and while i was talking a lizard fell from the roof of their house and landed in my lap! it freaked me out haha! then i realized what it was and tried to get it off but it was like stuck to me and then i finally kicked it off! it was so funny! but sucked also haha they were all laughing! but so random! All worked out though because they went to church yesterday! Anyways that's my story haha! 
Thanks for reading!!

Este semana por fin tengo tiempo suficiente papa compartir mi testimonio en español! Va a ser corto pero yo quiero compartir mi testimonio a cerca de los mandamientos! Hemos enseñado mucho este semana a cerca de porque tenemos otros mandamientos y porque es importante a guardarlos! Es bien simple, dios nos ha dado mandamientos para ayudarnos. Tenemos reglas de nuestro padre celestial para que el puede ayudarnos saber las cosas que necesitamos hacer para ser digno ante el en el ultimo día! Si, a veces cuesta mucho! A veces no son fáciles para guardar porque siempre tenemos pruebas y desafíos para probar nuestro fe! Pero la cosa es, es que si guardamos los mandamientos El Señor va a bendecirnos mas que sacrificamos! Siempre! El nos prometió que si guardamos los mandamientos el va a proveer la manera a seguir adelante y conquistar nuestros desafíos! El va a bendecirnos en cada aspecto de nuestros vidas! Recibimos bendiciones diferentes por cada mandamiento y si siempre estamos dispuestos a guardarlos siempre vamos a acercarnos mas a el y tener mas su espíritu, su ayuda, y sus bendiciones!  to testifico y se que este es la verdad! Yo he visto los bendiciones de la obediencia en la misión. Aveces fallamos en algo como misioneros pero cuando tratamos a mejorar, siempre vemos los bendiciones y la diferencia en nuestros vidas, nuestros actitudes, nuestros investigadores y nuestro trabajo! Gracias por leer! Espero que todos pueden tener estes bendiciones en sus vidas! Tengan feliz semanas!   

Elder Beck