Week #22
Hola everyone!!
This week was really good! Monday was really fun as you all already know!
we had a fun touristy trip! Tuesday we went to Concepcion and had no luck!
nobody was home! but we found a family that had a lot of weird questions! so
that was interesting! Then we went back to the colony and had a few lessons with
our investigators, we met the mom of a kid names Giovanni who will be baptized
the 30th of this month! shes really positive too and we put a baptism date with
her for the 6th of august! Wednesday We spent a lot of the afternoon doing
service! we got to use machetes and cut down some trees weeds and all sorts of
stuff! it was fun! we did it for 2 different families! then put a baptismal date
with the other son of the lady i just talked about! then we had a lesson with a
less active! On Thursday we had interchanges! i worked with our district leader
elder Recinos and we walked to Santa Rita! We walked another like 7 miles haha
its hard to get there! but it was worth it! we found a really positive family of
6 who went to church!! we had the baptismal interview for Yolanda! the daughter
of the old lady we baptized a while back! she will be baptized this weekend!
Were excited for her! Friday we had district meeting in the morning and it was
good! Went to Concepcion again and taught a less active family about temples to
try and help them see that baptism isn't the last step! hopefully they can be
sealed someday and have an eternal family! Then in the night we had a really fun
lesson! haha so there is a member family and everyone is a member except the
husband. He has a ton of doubts about the church like polygamy and coffee and
the book of Mormon, Joseph smith, Sabbath day, and he told us we could come
teach him but he wanted us to only use the bible.. so we studies for him and had
a really good lesson and helped take away a few of his doubts! he said we could
come back again so thats good! Other missionaries have tried to teach him but he
said he was never satisfied haha! Saturday we went back to Santa Rita and took a
taxi in this time haha! taught the family of 6 and committed them to church! they
came!! we had 8 investigators in church! it was awesome!!! but we had to walk
all the way out of Santa Rita haha like 7 almost 8 miles!! super fun hhaha! at
least the walk is beautiful! Sunday was normal, i had to teach in priestrhood
though! it was last minute i had like 30 seconds to prepare haha but pulled it
Thats all for this week! thanks for reading!
Este semana fue super bien! tuvimos mucho éxito! Yo voy a compartir algo
chiquito pero yo quiero testificar de la importancia de nuestro fe! Muchos veces
las personas dicen no importa la iglesia porque yo tengo fe y la salvación es
personal. Pero sabemos que nuestro fe es muerte sin nuestro obra! podemos tener
todo la fe en el mundo pero para que? si no estamos dispuestos a actuar y hacer
las cosas significa nada nuestro fe! Tenemos la oportunidad a hacer cualquier
cosa que queremos pero muchos veces es mas fácil a escoger las cosas
equivocados! Pero yo prometo si guardamos los mandamientos y tratar a mostrar a
dios nuestro fe por medio de acción vamos a ver la diferencia en nuestras vidas"
vamos a ver milagros, bendiciones! Por medio de nuestro fe podemos hacer
cualquier cosa! yo puedo ver los bendiciones de mi fe en la misión! Gracias por
leer y tenga fe! Espero que todos tienen semanas buenas!
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