Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Week 39 Ciudad Delgado!

Week # 41

Hey everyone!! This week has been splendid!! 
I absolutely love my comp and we are working super hard! I am scared that i will leave this area this change in three weeks! itd be a big bummer because i have worked so hard to plant the seeds here and find people and i wouldnt be able to see them progress to baptism! theres so many that are so close!! We have a lawyer that were teaching that has read the boo of mormon 3 times and says he believes its true and we gave him doctrine and covenants and pearl of great price and he said he is gonna finish it in like 2 weeks! he already finish true to the faith also! Lots of people really really good that have been going to church and keeping their commitments!
Tuesday we decided that we were gonna stop visiting a lot of people so that we could focus more on the people who are really progressing and it has been going well! its hard to let them go because they're people and we want to help them but we have to keep looking for the people that the lord has prepared for us that are ready to progress! We were able to have lots of visits and the people are really understanding the lessons that were teaching! were trying to be better teachers and be more dynamic so that the people can visualize and understand the importance of the gospel principles! Great day and the start to a new and better success! 
Wednesday, we had a similar day, we were able to keep working with our new technique and its been good! We are seeing lots inour area that the other churches are starting to notice how hard were working and they dont like it! HAAHA! The people are listening more to us and we are seeing things up to the point when their pastors are giving them scriptures from the book of mormon out of context to attack us and stuff like that.. pretty pathetic if ya ask me.. but its been okay were learning lots about how to help the people understand that we are here to teach in the way of the savior and we are here to serve them and love them not to convince them to do anything! 
Thursday, was interesting, so a friend of my comp that served in costa rica in the ward of elder artiaga got home from his mission and came to work with us so we split up and he went with his friend and i went eith a member! we were able to do good work!! found some news and got to go to all of the visits we wanted to!! 
Friday, was a day of tons of success! we had 8 lessons in one day! it was pretty great! all of the people we wanted to visit were home and remembered that we were coming!! we also committed 5 people to a baptism date!! 
Saturday was a Saturday like all the others in the mission telling everyone that they should come to church! But this week we have focused on the specific promises that we can make to the according to their needs if they obey the sabbath day! 
Sunday, this was the best sunday i have had in the mission, we finished the day with 10 new people and 6 baptismal dates! We had a family home evening with the family of the first counselor of the ward and none of his kids and their kds are members so we got to teach them all! IDK why no other missionaries have taught them! but i felt that i needed to ask him about his family and he said that he would appreciate it if we came to teach them! so we went and taught about the life of christ and things he did for us! it was awesome! and we had 5 people in church!! Totally stoked! i also shared my testimony in sacrament meeting! it was pretty scary haha! big ward!

Ha sido una semana de mucho éxito y estamos muy agradecidos por todas las bendiciones que el señor nos ha dado. Este semana estoy especialmente agradecido por los bendiciones del ayuno! Hemos visto tantos bendiciones por la fe que mostramos en el ayuno y yo se que es algo mandado por el señor! El nos da lo que pedimos si estamos dispuestos nosotros a hacer nuestro parte! En este caso el ayuno es una manera perfecto a mostrar el señor que le ama y que confía en el! Yo se que este es la verdad y que el ayuno nos bendice! Jesucristo vive y nos ama y gracias a el tenemos este evangelio para bendecirnos! Gracias a todos por leer! Tengan una buena semana!! 

Elder Beck
Photos are of my comp and i in one of our areas thats super pretty and a picture of the street i live on!

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