Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week 56 America 1

Week # 56
Hey everyone! this week has been really good! i have been feeling really good about all the work we have been doing in the area recently! were working a lot with the less actives so we can make our area stronger and find parcias fmasilies and stuff like that and this weekend we had 8 less active members iin the conference! We also have found lot sof people that are really positive and want to go back to church ! That will help us out a lot in the future so we can work better with the members in all of the colonies that we visit and can receive more references of their friends and family! 
Highlights of this week were:
1. We have found lots of ppl that have been really receptive and have been willing ot go to church and keep their commitments! Lots od divisions and not a lot of working with my companion but with the other guys that are here with us! but its helped us be able to make all the visits and be able to look for new ppl every day! 
2. I was in the colony where we found that really cool dog the other day and he saw us and came up to me then brought us to his house! we have an appointment with the family this week! haha so the dog gave us a reference! lol! love dogs! 
3. All of our investigators that have gone to church have absolutely loves it and are starting to change! I think we will break the baptism drout here in the area this month!! 
4. We had leader council with president on friday and it was really cool! we learned a lot about faith and how we can help our zones improve! i learned a lot and really enjoyed listening to president! hes sucha  smart guy! i think hes gonna be a general authority when he finishes his mission! 
5. CONFERENCE! I loved this conference it was sooo good! there wasnt even one talk that i thought was boring or not that interesting! i learned sooo much from every single one! My favorite part was when jeffery holland spoke when he said, speaking about jesus christ, " you may come as you are but dont plan to stay as you are". I loved how he invited us to do all that we can to constantly progress! To never accept the falts that we have or think that we are "okay¨ but to see the potential that God sees in us! 

Este fin de semana pude fortalecer mi testimonio tanto por medio del profeta y los apóstoles llamados por Dios! Me encanto la conferencia y todos los discursos! Todos hablaron de la familia la importancia de ayudar a nuestra y a otras, por medio de la obra del señor y servicio en los templos! Por medio de compartir el plan de salvación que nuestro padre celestial nos ha preparado! Yo se y testifico con todo mi corazón que Dios nos ha preparado un plan y parte de este plan es esta iglesia! Ella es perfecta! Es de Dios, La dirige Jesucristo mismo y les invito a todos a averiguar por si mismo! Sera un gran bendición y cambiara sus vidas! Yo SE que esta es la iglesia verdadera y que todas las personas necesitan saberlo! Tanto les quiere ayudar su padre celestial y les a proveído la manera por lo cual que cada uno de ustedes puedan regresar a vivir con Dios en su reino! Les invito, Oren, Pregunten, y obedecen! El señor les bendecirá con un paz y felicidad que jamas han tenido! Gracias por todo su amor y apoyo! Y gracias por leer!! Hasta luego!! 

Elder Beck

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