Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ready to go to work!!

Week #2 2/10/16
hey everyone! 
This week was another really good one here in the CCM! I am learning so much so fast and i absolutely love it! I have studied more and prayed more in the past two weeks than i ever have in my life and I can truly see the blessings that have come from my hard work! I am still picking up on the language fast and my pronunciation is getting a lot better! I usually learn like one or two grammar concepts a day and my goal is to memorize 50 verbs and 100 words every day! I have been doing pretty good! I have the first vision memorized in Spanish and can still recite the baptismal invitation and the missionary purpose! this week while teaching our progressing investigators I learned how to teach the restoration, and the doctrine of Christ and the book of Mormon with the pamphlets and scriptures! we usually practice these things with the Latinos here in the CCM and they all say that i sound really good and am doing good with Spanish so that is very motivating! Id say the hardest thing is probably the language for me. But with time im getting better and better so im grateful for that! I titled the email ready to go to work because everyone was right, after 2 weeks in here you kinda just wanna leave and go do the real work haha! I love it here tho, and am probably not ready but still. When you learn the lessons and realize you can teach well enough to share a message and explain the BOM and the doctrine of Christ you just wanna go teach it!! or at least I do! I have had some really col experiences this week during personal study! I was sitting at my desk and didn't know what to study so I knelt down and said a prayer and asked heavenly father the help me know what I should study. I opened my scriptures and in the cover was my patriarchal blessing so i decided to read it. After about a minute i came across the words, i urge you to study the life of the savior in the scriptures. This was an overwhelming spiritual experience for me to have my prayer answered so fast and so exact. I have been trying really hard to pack everything into personal study time, from reading in Spanish to trying to finish the b.o.m. to reading about Christ ans it has been great haha! Ive learned a whole lot and found some great scriptures that have touched me as i read searching for specific things! We still get to play sport every day and its really fun! my district usually plays volleyball and we now have an ongoing tournament its fun! we arnt aloud to play soccer anymore cause the Latinos get to intense while playing and a few weeks ago one of the elders broke his leg! so that's a bummer but its okay! Sunday was a testimony meeting and we all had to get up and talk, which at first i was really nervous for cause that's like my least favorite thing to do but it ended up going really well! I knew what i wanted to say and was able to say it all in Spanish so that was a blessing as well! my companion shared something in his testimony that stuck out to me, he said I do not speak good Spanish at all but I know that the spirit does and thats all that matters. He is a really good guy and has taught me a lot during study time! I also had to teach a lesson in district meeting on Sunday which was just as intimidating haha! but i did well and it ended up going really well! Last night we got to listen to a devotional given by elder Anderson and it was really good! It was with a group of all the north Americans so it was in English which was really nice hahah!! This morning we all got to attend the temple and It was easily the highlight of my week as im sure it will be every week! i apologize for misspelled words and such, Spanish keyboards are hard to type on! 
Anyways, this week was really great and Im so happy to be here!

Se que la iglesia es vardadera, y el libro de mormon es la palabra de dios. Se que José smith fué y es un profeta de Dios! Yo estoy mucho agradecido por la oportunidad a servio un mision y compartir mi testimonio con otras! Yo se qué el don de lenguas es realidad, y el señor quiere ayudarme aprender y entender español en la CCM! Se qué a travez Dios nosotros podemos hacer todos! Yo veo las bendiciones en mi vida en este semana! Yo se qué nosotros tenemos un profeta de Dios en esta dia y yo estoy agradecido por el y la revelación el recibir (recieves, dont know how to say that haha) 

Thanks for reading! 
Elder Beck

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