Thursday, February 25, 2016

Week 4 of 6!!

Week #4 2/24/16
Hola Everyone!

This week has been really good! I have been going along same as all the weeks in the past studying hard and progressing slowly but surely! I love the experiences that im having here, the people im meeting the things im learning and the spirit im feeling! I am so happy to be a missionary and represent the church of Jesus Christ! I have become more and more grateful for the opportunity that I have to be here, and the more I come to know about what i will be doing and the things I will be doing and the lessons I will be teaching I become more and more grateful! In classes were finally beginning to learn harder concepts of Spanish that are used a lot more so it has been nice to progress in the language a lot this week! We worked on the preterite tense in Spanish all week and teaching the commandments! My language skills jumped a lot this week and it has been very encouraging! The more and more we practice lessons here the more and more comfortable I feel teaching them in Spanish! We also earned the future tense this week but i need to practice with that one more! My companion and I are getting better at teaching in unison and it makes lessons go a lot better! I had one difficult day this week but im not gonna talk about it because it doesn't matter and its all part of learning and part of the mission!! (it wasn't too difficult, I was just not feeling super motivated like i usually do) Sunday was great as always, talks her in sacrament are kinda like Russian roulette (idk how to spell that) and this week I was called up to speak. They don't warn you beforehand they just call your name and you go up and do your best! Im not the best public speaker in the world, in fact its one of the most difficult things for me to do, but it went really well, I talked about faith and shared some scriptures it was good! luckily they only ask that you speak for five minutes! after that we had some devotionals and study time! This week so far has been different than most. I was called into the mtc presidents office on Monday and received a phone call from my dad. I was told that my grandma had just passed away and it was difficult to hear! I was sad for a bit but told myself that everything would be okay because she is now in a better place. So this week I have been thinking a lot about the plan of salvation. For those of you who are not members of this church the plan of salvation is Gods plan for us to live on this earth, learn, grow, have families, be happy, and eventually return to live with heavenly father again. I have been studying this plan a lot to find comfort in the passing of my grandma and have been praying that i would be able to remain focused on the work at hand which for me is studying the gospel and learning Spanish! I have learned a lot and it has made me so grateful for this plan! through this plan I know that I will see my grandma again and I know that my family can be together forever! Now for a more positive note, I found out this week that in the past week when we were told we would be here for 7 weeks we were given false info! so im happy to have the news that I will head out to El Salvador after 2 more weeks here in training! Cant believe I have almost been out for a month! time is flying by! Temple this morning was great! always a nice relaxing way to start the week off! Im excited for what this week has to offer and love hearing from all of you so please continue to write! 
Thanks for reading! here is another testimony: (you can use google translate to understand)

Yo estoy muy agradecido por este misión! Yo estoy muy agradecido por la oportunidad yo tengo para servir el Señor y ser una representante de Dios y Jesucristo! Este semana pasado fue muy bueno! Yo aprende mucho! En especifico este semana yo estoy muy agradecido por la expiación de Jesucristo y El plan de Salvación! Yo se que por medio este plan yo vera mi abuela otra vez! Yo estoy muy agradecido por Jesucristo y por su expiación, porque el sufrió por nuestros pecados y dolores nosotros podemos ser limpio en este vida! Por medio la expiación de Jesucristo nosotros podemos vivir con Dios otra vez y con nuestros familias por eterno! Estoy muy agradecido por la iglesia de Jesucristo y por el ejemplo de Jesucristo! Estoy muy agradecido por el don de lenguas y yo se que esta iglesia es verdadera! Yo se que el Libro De mormón es verdadero! Yo no puedo esperar para compartir esta mensaje con las personas en El Salvador! 
Thanks for reading!!
Elder Beck

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