Thursday, February 25, 2016

Week 3 of 7?

Week #3 2/16/16
This week was really great again! Its east to say that when you are in the CCM! not too much hardships, fake investigators, nice beds, good food, warm showers! So i titled my letter this week 3 of 7 with a question mark because ewe found out yesterday that since my district came on an off week we wouldn't be leaving after the original time of 6 weeks.. So now im here for 7! which is bitter sweet for me! like I said last time I am ready to go work and teach real people, but for the last two weeks im here I will have a Latino companion so I will most likely learn some good Spanish!! I look forward to that challenge! schedule keeps flipping for us cause were a special group so this week were writing after only 6 days! I will loose my favorite maestro (teacher) this week because in the morning new north Americans get here! so im sad about that because he is definitely the best teacher here! but I am sure that whoever replaces him will be great as well! Food is still good here! we haven't had one meal that I didn't like! except some fish.. but I drenched it in lime so it didn't taste like fish anymore haha so it wasn't that bad! (for those of you who dont know that is the one food I really dont like!) Today we got to go to the temple again and as always it is my favorite part of the week! its nice to get out of the CCM and the temple here is beautiful! As the weeks go by though I am getting more and more excited to see what El Salvador brings!! there's two other kids in my district that will be going to my mission! Yesterday I cut one of the kids hair in my district and it was pretty great! It turned out really good and im not sure if that is a good thing because now everyone knows I can cut hair.. but it was funny and a fun experience! This weeks learning was really good! we are finally getting into grammar that I dont know how to do like future and progressive tenses which help with teaching!! I am still learning lots practicing teaching lessons with the pamphlets and memorizing phrases for lessons and stuff! Over all it is still going really well! definitely has slowed down a little because I have learned a lot of the easy stuff but I am learning at a good pace! hopefully by the end of the 7 weeks now I will be ready to teach some good lessons in Spanish!!! I probably wont have any other pictures while im here because we arnt aloud to take them like anywhere and i don't think were aloud to send them in the CCM so sorry about that but when im in the field ill be sure to send lots! I am absolutely filled with joy to be here and love learning and preparing to teach the people of El Salvador! This week was another fantastic one and im pumped and ready top go for the next!!

This week i want to bear testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ! 
Yo sé que Jesucristo es nuestra salvador y redentor y yo sé que por medio de la expiacion nosotros podemos ser limpio de nuestros pecados! Yo sé que Dios y Jesucristo quieren nosotros a vivimos en felicidades en este vida! Y yo sé que es posible por todos personas! Si nosotros seguimos el ejemple de Jesucristo y guardar los mandamientos nosotros podemos vivir con Dios otra vez! Yo estoy muy agradecido por la expiación de Jesucristo en mi vida y yo veo los bendiciones y la manos de Dios en mi vida todos las dias! Yo sé que este iglesia es verdadera! Yo estoy muy agradecido por eso!!
Thanks everyone for reading!! hope all is well!

Elder Beck

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