Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 1 in Reubicación!

Week #7 3/14/16

 Well i left the MTC this week which felt great! I was really excited to get into the field! i left Tuesday and took a bus 5 hours into El Salvador! then we met president at the mission home and got a bunch of info and stuff, ate dinner then headed to the place we slept that night, really dirty house where the secretaries live! Then in the morning we drove to a church nearby met with president again and met our companions! my companion is elder Le May! he is from Canada and has about 5 months left in the mission! my area is called Reubicación, and is a small colony with no ward only a branch with about 50 to 60 people at church Sundays! My house is interesting its a pretty good size house but its really really dirty haha! but its okay cause were only in there to study and sleep! First day we got a call in the morning from president saying we couldn't work because of a war between the gangs and the police so we were inside for like 4 hours then got the go so we went out and introduced me to all the members and instigators! this week has been awesome! we have a big area so we walk a lot! this week we walked probably about 20 miles!! in 5 days! 12 yesterday! its also really really hot here all the time!! like 110 every day! so basically i smell and sweat a lot! i am like always wet hahaha! but im getting used to it! we only have water like every three days so we bucket shower in the mornings which is awesome i think its great! and when the water does come its hardly any, like a little trickle for like 20 hours! its awesome! so basically I wont be taking a normal shower for 2 years! my comp said most areas are like that! people here are amazing! and the area is beautiful! i wish i had my camera with me all the time! luckily this is one of the safest areas in all the mission so i can carry my little one around whenever and its not a problem! this Saturday we had 3 baptisms and The youngest girl Eva corina Bolaños Guardado chose me to baptize her so I got to baptize on my first week which was awesome!! the people in the area that is 5 miles from our house are my favorite its an area called Concepción Quetzaltepeque and we get lots of references there! and contacts! I love the mission and the dang pupusas are yummy i have had 24 in 5 days haha my comp has had almost 800 in his mission! I wish I had more time this week to write all about everything that has happened! and i forgot my journal so next time I will write more! Everything is great and I am so happy to be here! I love everything about this mission so far except not knowing what anyone is saying to me haha! but my Spanish is getting better every day! My companion and ]I work really hard and right now have the best numbers in the zone! which wasn't a whole lot of me but im happy to be in a great area! All is well I know this is where im supposed to be! Im out of time so no Spanish testimony this week:| but here are some pictures!!! in another email cause i cant figure out my camera rn!
Elder Beck

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