Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 3 in Reubicaciòn (Semana Santa)

Week #9

Hola Everyone!!
This week was nothing too exciting! we just did lots of visits and have been trying to teach everyone the importance of no coffee, and Sabbath day! and our area is really big so we have been running all over! we visit, nucleus 1,2,and 3, paraiso, concepcion quetzaltepeque, san bartodo, galicia, and cuevitas! and this week we found out part of our area goes into Honduras? haha so we may go there! We held a mission temple event as well this week which was really cool! in the chapel next to the temple we had classes set up with little 4 to 5 minute lessons of all sorts of different principles and all of the areas brought investigators and less actives and stuff! it was really cool! and the temple here is gorgeous! unfortunately we didn't have any of the investigators from our area but we were in charge of a room! the apostasy and restoration room! and elder Le May was Joseph smith it was really funny, he had to dress up! I also went into the distribution center and bought all the videos i could find in English haha cause all the ones in the house are in Spanish and sometimes its nice to wind down at the end of the day with a church video! Friday was tough for us! in the mission all that matters to us is our investigators and church attendance and all of our lessons for the afternoon after study time fell through! nobody was home! so we only taught one lesson to a new we found while walking around! its the semana santa which is the holy week and here that is what they celebrate instead of Easter so lots of people are at the beach and at pools and stuff. Its also the hottest week of the year so that has been fun haha! However while walking around we did find out that a boy whose mom was baptized not too long ago just turned 8! his name is Alex and he is the sweetest and happiest boy Ive ever met! i love this kid! so we are teaching him now and prepping him for baptism in a few weeks!! Saturday consisted of running around to every single area and inviting as many people to church as we could! we had 80 at church, it was ward or branch conference so members from the stake leadership were there to speak and teach. But we were really happy to have 80! when elder Le May got here the attendance was 40! It was great!! good messages and happy, but tired missionaries haha! but this week was awesome and i am excited for the next! This week i have been in the mission for 2 months.. which is really weird! time flies!
Este Semana fue fantastico! Elder Le May y yo hemos estado trabajando duro y nosotros hemos visto las bendiciones! Nosotros contactamos todo las personas posible este semana y enfocamos nuestros lecciònes en la importancia del dia de reposo y dejar cafè. Cafè es un grande problema aca en El Salvador! Pero se que por medio de la ayuda de Dios las personas pueden entender la importancia de los mandamientos! Yo he aprendido mucho durante de mi misiòn, sobre la importancia de El Señor en nuestras vidas y cuando yo confio en el espititu yo se que todo es posible! Yo amo la mision y las personas aca! El señor verdaderamente ha preparado las personas para escuchar a nuestro mensaje! Yo tomo cada oportunidad para compartir la felicidad del evangelio! Yo se wue esta iglesia es verdadera!
Gracias!! have a great week everyone!

Elder Beck

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