Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 4 P-week

Week #10
Hello Everyone!
This week was pretty interesting! so last week i sent a picture of my toe, i had a pretty bad ingrown toenail and it needed to be taken out! so on Tuesday I went to San Salvador to some members house who is a podiatrist and got some sketchy hour long central American surgery on my toe! the best part is i didn't get any anesthetic..idk how to spell that. So it hurt, A LOT! not fun, and it gets worse haha! so at the end she put on a bandage and said i was done! nd i was so happy haha! she said come back in two days to take off the bandage and ill check to see how your toe is, so we did. And when we got back she had me sit in the chair again and I didn't think much of it. Then she told me that last time since it was swollen she couldn't take all of it out so today she had to go deeper... I was not happy about that lol! so again without pain killer she operated on my toe for like another hour and cut even deeper! it was awesome! But for me the worst part was that I couldn't work like all week cause I wasn't supposed to walk on it a lot! so we were stuck inside until Thursday night! I t felt like such a waste of time i did not enjoy it! There was also an infection so I have to take antibiotics which make me really tired so i slept a lot haha! But Friday i was finally able to work again so my companion and I decided that it waqs best top wake up at 6.30 get ready and just go to work! so we skipped studies and went to work! we visited all of our areas and taught tons of lessons! We found 13 news and had a great day! It felt so good to get back out after the week! Then we had conference in Chalate Saturday and Sunday so we didn't work, but conference was amazing! I really enjoyed listening to the inspired words of the prophet, his apostles and all of the other wonderful speakers! I was able to watch it in English too which was a blessing! I learned lots! I was in a small office in the church building with freezing AC which felt sooo good!! Well there isn't much more for this week, i apologize for the short email! Thanks for reading!
Este semana fue dificil para mi. Nosotros no tuvimos la oportunidad para trabajar, pero yo teve mucho tiempo para estudiar y aprender con mi compañero! Yo aprendì mucho sobre las lecciònes y como yo puodo mejorar mis enseñansa! Conferencia general fue fantastico! Tambien yo aprendì bastante (in Salvador that is the same as mucho) sobre esperanza, fe, y templos! Como un misionero yo aprendi mucho que se puede aplicar a mi vida! Yo se què las palabras y discursos en conferencia fue inspirado del Señor y Dios! verdaderamente conferencia general es la palabra de Dios y me encantan escuchando a las palabras para nosotros! Nosotros tenemos un profeta en la tierra hoy, y doce apòstoles para guirnos y yo se que las palabras en la conferencia son para nosotros! Podemos aplicarlos a nuestros vidas! Estoy muy agradecido por la oportunidad para escuchar a ellos y aprender de sus palabras! Yo se que nuestro salvador vive y nos ama! Dios nos da profetas y apostoles para nosoptros y se que ellos son verdadera siervos de Dios!
Thanks for reading! have a great week!!
My pictures are not working so i apologize!!
Elder Beck

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