Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 5 in Reubicación!

Week #11
Hey everyone!! 

This week was pretty great! we worked really hard and had less success that we wanted but still did well according to the norms of excellency.. on Tuesday we went to our area that is pretty far away quetzaltepeque to teach people out there because we have a lot of investigators with baptismal dates there, but nobody was home that we were hoping to find! so we ended up teaching the children that are coming to church from there. They know all the doctrine and are totally ready to be baptized but its really hard to stop them from drinking coffee, that is our most common problem! Everyone drinks coffee so we need to find the parents to teach them because the children just don't understand. Wednesday we went back to find people and again nobody was home which was really a bummer! so we chatted with the members and found some new people! But after we left we visited a family of less actives in San Bartolo who have nonmembers living with them and were preparing a girl named Tatiana to be baptized. She is awesome but were having a hard time getting them to church! Her mom is also hesitant to be baptized but is okay with her daughter! so were gonna keep working with them! We finally gained there confidence which is really good! so they are progressing and we are very happy for them! Thursday we went to Paraiso.. which means paradise but this place is definitely not paradise haha so we named it hell as a joke between us. Just because its really hot there and the investigators we have out there are pretty difficult! Never saying it in a negative way tho! because we love all the people there! just a little joke! Bummer was that again.. nobody was home! so we visited a few less actives and found a new and got a reference! so not so bad of a visit! Friday was our more successful day! we found a family of 10 and they are really positive! they are active in another church but are really great people! Cool experience for me listening to the spirit! we were walking by and we walked past the house because we saw a lady sweeping outside and weren't sure if anyone else was home. But I turned around and asked her if we could help her with anything then we started talking and she let us in and invited her family out! So were very excited to teach them! Then the rest of out day was prepping for alexs baptism! Alex is the sweetest most positive little guy i have ever met! We found him 3 weeks ago and set a baptismal date and he was baptized on Saturday! He always comes to church with him mom who is a recent convert but we didn't know he had turned 8 a few weeks ago! so we prepped him had the interview and then went to clean the pila! we baptized in our area instead of in chalate! it was awesome! Saturday was the baptism! It was really great! Im very happy for Alex and his decision! I also had the opportunity to confirm him which was crazy and a bit scary haha! Cool experience though! We also had an investigator at the baptism and i got to talk to him a lot! he speaks English so it was awesome haha! he lived in LA for a while! Our ward mission leader baptized Alex and pretty much all was great! very good day! Sunday was normal, lots of running around inviting people to church! but we only had one investigator at church which was really a bummer! lots of people are sick so the attendance was really low! but overall a great week!! 
thanks for reading! 

Este semana fue fantástico! Yo amo la obra misional! Cada semana yo aprendo mas y tener experiencias muy bonita! Este semana yo pensé mucho sobre el don del espíritu santo! Con el bautismo y confirmación tuve la oportunidad para pensar mucho, y yo aprendí mucho! Me encantan el concepto del espíritu santo, porque como dice en las escrituras si no somos bautizado por agua y fuego no es en la manera de Jesucristo. Yo se que esta iglesia es verdadera porque yo se que el espíritu es real! Como un misionero yo veo las bendiciones de este don, cada día, en cada lección, y en todo! Yo se que con el espíritu santo podemos tener constantemente la guía de Dios! Un concepto me encantan! Yo estoy muy agradecido por este don en mi vida y yo se que es un don de Dios! 

Elder Beck


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