Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 6 in Reubicaciòn

Week #12
Hey everyone!! 
This week was super nice! it was a pretty relaxed week, Monday pday and paint balling was a blast, Tuesday we went to the temple! it was so nice! the San Salvador temple is my new favorite temple it is sooo beautiful inside and out!And it was fun to see everyone in the mission! Wednesday we put three baptismal dates and we were excited for that! with two that we have been teaching for a long time but usually cant find the dad but they are both ready and should both get baptized within these next few weeks! the little one was supposed to be this week but we had trouble with the mother. She doesn't live with them and doesn't see the kid but the father wanted to talk to her but couldn't find her! So we will have his baptism this week! The other was the older sister of the family that we baptized in my first week. She wants to get baptized right now because she thinks Elder Le May is attractive haha but she said we could keep teaching her haha! she lives really far away though out of our area so we need to figure it out! Thursday we worked really hard! We went to all of our areas! lots of traveling and walking! not too much success in finding people home but enough to make our trips worth it! We also found out this week that the family of ten we found the other week, the father is a pastor at a church next door so it has been fun teaching him haha i dont do anything.. Elder Le May and him talk about the bible and he teaches him well! I don't know enough about the bible to talk to a pastor haha so im learning! This week during studies i studies other religions to know how to teach to different people, we went over what they believe and what scriptures are good to shre with them! im really happy that we did that! I think it will help me a lot in the future! I still need to study it all but now i have all the info! Friday was kinda random. We had plans for going to concepcion to plan for the baptism we were going to have but then found out it wasn't going to happen so we didn't have any good plans so we decided to pray and look in the area book and decide where to go! We decided we wanted to go to the sketchy part of our are but president said no.. We wanted to go so were were sad haha! there are two places in my area that are really dangerous and i want to go! So after asking and being told no we decided to go to El Limón where we were going to find our news for the week! We looked around and talked to lots of people but didn't find anyone who wanted to hear, so we started heading back to the area when we saw lots of smoke! Then we turned a corner and saw someones whole field on fire! so we were firefighters for like an hour and a half cause it was really big and they needed help! it was pretty fun but we smelled really bad! haha! so we went home and changed and went back out to work in our colony! Oh yea, I forgot to say that the people we helped sid we could come back and teach them so we ended up finding 14 news! haha so we were happy! Saturday we had an activity and showed meet the Mormons and it was really cool we had 5 investigators there! it was in the evening so we spent the morning inviting people! Sunday was good, the attendance wasn't great but it was a good day! Overall a great week of great experiences and lots of fun along the way! Thanks for reading!! 

Este Semana fue increíble! Este testimonio no va ser largo pero voy a escribir! Este semana estudie otros iglesias y sus creencias. Yo aprendí mucho y estoy feliz por la nuevo conocimiento! Par mi estas estudias era una confirmación de la verdad de la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los últimos días! Verdaderamente esta iglesia tiene la mismo organización de la iglesia Jesucristo estableció durante de su vida en este tierra! Yo se que con toda mi corazón sin duda que la verdad de esta iglesia!    Gracias, y adiós!! 

Elder Beck

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