Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 7 in Reubicación!

Week #13
Hey everyone!! this week has been pretty good! I will apologize in advance, i forgot my journal today so i am going to have a hard time remembering all that we did this week! But the week was really good! Monday, we found out late afternoon that Elder Le May had changes, and i would be receiving a new companion. So we went around to converts in the area and Elder Le May said goodbye to them. Then we visited with the branch president and then returned home to allow him to pack his things and prepare for the change, which could have been very early in the morning. There was not much information given all we knew at the time was that he was leaving. Tuesday morning we received more information and took Elder Le may to the bus stop and waited with his until the bus came, then i spent the afternoon with the branch mission leader. I really like him his name is Johnathon hes 20 and preparing for his mission! We still didn't have much info about what we had to do so we waited in the house did studies and then headed to the chapel to wait. We were there for a while waiting before we received info about my new companion! Elder Acosta is my new companion, hes a great missionary and is really excited to be working here in reubicacion! he is a powerful missionary and im earning a lot from him. We should have a lot of success this change! Tuesday night after he arrived we put his stuff in the house and headed out to go present him to the ward members and a few investigators that we teach in our colony. It was late so we didn't have tons of time but it was a good day! Wednesday we had a normal day of studies and work. studies are really long while you are in training, which is hard for me sometimes but it is good I always learn something new and find things that io can share with investigators to help them! We study from 8-12 so there's a lot of time! I am soon going to receive the institute manuals in English and i plan to read the all to gain more knowledge because sometimes i don't feel like i know enough in lessons haha! so i am really excited to get those! We went to concepcion every day this week because a lot of our progressing investigators are there! it was really great! we are preparing eugenito and his father eugnio for baptism this week and hoping that we can have another young boy named Gabriel ready too! we will for sure have one baptism but are hoping for three! we have had alots of success this week though! we put 6 new baptismal dates and had the church attendance to 50 from last weeks 35. We found 12 new investigators and some of them are really positive! we had a lesson with an old lady named Carmen and we taught baptism to her. She has been an investigator for a long time and when we stopped talking she was quiet and asked us, when can i be baptized! so we will baptize her hopefully in 3 weeks! It was a really cool experience! Sunday i had to give a talk in church which i didn't enjoy but it was good. I spent the week prepping it! it was on the holy ghost and i learned a lot! but im glad its over haha i don't like public speaking! other than that i dont have much else to share from this week, just getting to know my new companion and enjoying the area and the mission! 
Thanks for reading!! hope all is well with everyone!

Este semana fue excelente como siempre! Me encantan mi área! Cada semana tenemos mucho éxito! Este semana quiero compartir mi testimonio sobre el don del espíritu santo. Como digo antes yo daba un discurso en domingo sobre eso y yo aprendí mucho. Yo se que este iglesia es la iglesia verdadera porque yo se que el espíritu santo es real! Tenemos un gran privilegio en este vida para recibir el don del espíritu santo! Para tener para siempre un guía de Dios, un guía que puede ayudarnos con todo. El poder del espíritu es asombroso! El puede guiarnos y protegernos en cada paso de nuestras vidas! y como dice en las escrituras si nosotros tener el espíritu no vamos a tener la tentación a hacer lo malo! Este promesa me encantan! Para saber si siempre estamos tratando a seguir la voluntad del espíritu podemos hacer lo bueno siempre! Estoy muy agradecido por este don en mi vida y especialmente como un misionero! Yo se que con todo mi corazón sin duda que este iglesia es verdadera y Dios nos dio este don para ayudarnos regresar a vivir con el otra vez! 
Gracias! Adiós!

Elder Beck

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